The role of co-operative sector in the social and economical transformation of a country has been accepted to be same as that of government sector and private sector. Though information and mass communication has contributed to the development process of co-operative but the participation of co-operative and co-operation in the communication sector is minimal. For the economy and sustainable development of every nation, importance and contribution of co-operative sector is vital. With the objectives of conducting activities at local, national and international level as well as disseminating co-operative information to our own community via communication media in order to make the information accessible, Gurkha Sanchar Co-operative Ltd. was established based on co-operative principles by the Gurkha army community. Gurkha sanchar Co-operative Ltd was established in 2066 under the Co-operative Act 2048 (1992), Section 12, Clause 1.
Development of any nation is not imaginable without the acceptance and active participation of its citizens. Based on this belief, the concept of this co-operative movement is to integrate resources, tools, skills and experiences of gurkhali community into the development process of the nation for creating strong and prosperous Gurkhali community and Nepal.
The mission of the co-operative is to implement a capital mobilization program by developing an effective mechanism to educate Gurkhali community currently living in Nepal and abroad for its resource management and mobilization and to establish company and corporation to show a strong presence of Gurkhali community in the area of professional occupation and communication. The co-operative will establish its own media house and will implement and edit all of its duties from under one roof.
1. Make the communication media accessible to the community.
2. Operate radio, television, newspaper, press and online website in order to contribute towards the development of the community.
3. Look into every type of possibilities and opportunities within the community and bring into discussion. Take initiatives for the establishment and recognition of the skill and knowledge of the Gurkhali community.
4. Produce and broadcast documentaries which help in enhancement and identification of the community.
5. Conduct programs necessary for the mobilization of the investment.
6. Frequently conduct various developmental programs by coordinating with different organization (national, international).
7. Organize programs which help in social, economical, cultural and educational development of the community.
8. Attract people towards group investment and inform members after studying various possibilities.
9. Implement model mission and model initiatives to establish an example that co-operatives can help in the development of the nation.
10. Implement saving mobilization among members
11. Conduct mission implementation and other activities.
- Resources from within the community will be mobilized to operate radio, television, newspaper and other communication corporation so that the co-operative achieves its goals. Strategy that will make this community an exemplary community which demonstrates its contribution in building the nation by co-operative works will be adopted.
- Emphasis will be given on organizing various programs, coordinating and mobilizing relations for maximum participation of Gurkhas in Nepal and abroad.
- Strategy that promotes the pride of share holders participating in the mission will be adopted.
- Environment for interaction and inter-dialogue with other media houses and co-operatives with similar objectives will be created.
- Special interest will be paid on maintaining dialogue and relation as well as on increasing number of members.
Shares are available to Gurkha armies who had served in UK, India, Singapore, Hong Kong and Brunei, as well as to current servicemen and their families. For this, co-operative has fixed minimum and maximum shares that can be purchased and every shareholder has to compulsorily maintain a monthly savings of fixed amount. Membership maximization mission will be conducted with the objective of collecting minimum of 1000 members and minimum capital of 2 crores. It is the responsibility and duty of every member to help in the membership maximization mission.
Number of members in Gurkhali community in Kathmandu alone is approximately 40 to 50 thousand. Throughout Nepal, this number is around 3 to 4 hundred thousand (around 3 to 4 lakh). This community has been bringing back to Nepal minimum of 2 to 3 billion (arab) rupees yearly. According to one study, this group has the capability to make a minimum group investment of 2 to 3 billion rupees yearly. But, beside few small group investment attempts, there have been only individual investments. Huge investments are very minimal. This community, which has always believed in group work, is not able to mobilize themselves. But, investment is an opportunity for this community. There are various investment areas even within Nepal to convert their monthly pension into permanent and sustainable monthly income. This community has resource and medium as well as skill and knowledge required for its managed mobilization and hence, environment necessary for its mobilization is today’s requirement. There are numerous possibilities and opportunities of beneficial project for this community. It is just due to the lack of identification and mobilization. Now, this community has to rightly utilize these opportunities. Market is available for the products of this community, and in addition to that, consumer trusts the products promoted or produced by the Gurkhas. We feel that this opportunity in the market has been utilized and will be utilized.
Co-operative will introduce beneficial products and projects that will mobilize shares and savings and will fulfill the higher profit desire of members. Co-operative will maintain constant focus on making plans and programs to keep reasonable interest rate and increase the net profit of the organization. Initiatives and attempts will be made for bringing new products that help in establishing the identity of the Gurkhali community. For this, encouraging opportunities, such as professional education, interaction, conference and travel, among share members will be made available.
Come and participate heartily in this mission for peace, prosperity and strength for everyone and every day. Let us make this mission to establish an example that an unimaginable success can be achieved only with one’s own endeavor,. Let us make this society a constructive ,creative and active society.
Anamnagar -32 Kathmandu Nepal
ph- 01 4102675
fax- 014102549
email [email protected]
web gorkhafm.com